College Admission

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College Admission

The process of preparing for college admission can seem overwhelming if you try to navigate the sea of information on your own. From start to finish, LoveToKnow college is an independent, trusted resource you can rely on.

College Admissions Help

From getting information about admission tests, to expert interviews on the college admission process, these resources will help you get the job done.


Get tips for acing tests like the ACT and SAT tests to prepare for college, or the GRE and LSAT tests for applying to graduate school.

Finding the Perfect School for You

Not sure where you want to go? No problem. Discover some of the top colleges in various fields, including pre-med, archeology and zoology. If you're not sure what you want to study, you can look more into colleges by ranking.

Appplication Process

Don't get caught in a lurch come application time. Get tips on how to finish your application by the due date, and get tips for filling out college applications that will get you noticed. You don't need to panic over the essay section either. View sample college application essays, view a selection of essay prompts and get tips for writing the essay that will get you into the school of your dreams.

Current Events

Learn about related current events, such as the association between tuition costs and enrollment.

Preparing for Your Future

Applying to college is an important step in preparing for your academic and professional future. When you're searching for information about this important topic, let LoveToKnow College be your go-to resource. The editorial team includes professional editors and writers who are focused on providing readers with helpful, practical tips and suggestions they can use.

College Admission