Minority Scholarships

Minority Scholarships

With the ever-increasing cost of higher education, finding the financial resources to pay for college can certainly seem to be overwhelming. Before you sign on the dotted line for maximum student loans, make sure you've explored every available scholarship opportunity, including any minority programs for which you may be eligible.

Two Scholarship Programs for Minority Business Majors

AICPA Accounting Scholarships

Through its Foundation, the American Institute of CPAS (AICPA) offers scholarships to minority population students who are majoring in accounting. Scholarship recipients receive $3,000 for an academic year, to be used solely in support of collegiate accounting studies. Scholarships are renewable, but renewal from year-to-year is not guaranteed.

See the Diversity Initiatives page on the AICPA website to learn more about the program and to access the application form. The application deadline is April 1 of each year.

Vanguard Junior and Senior Business Scholarships

Business Student

Vanguard, a Pennsylvania-based investment firm, offers scholarships of up to $10,000 for minority students entering their junior or senior year of college who are majoring in specific business specialties. To be eligible, students must be pursuing a Bachelor's degree full-time in Finance, Economics, Accounting or Business.

Up to ten scholarships are awarded annually. Applications are accepted from mid-September through the end of November each year. See the Vanguard Minority Scholarship Program page on the Scholarship America website to learn more.

Two Minority Scientific/Technical Scholarship Programs

Xerox Technical Education Scholarships

Xerox offers a scholarship program specifically for minority population students who are working full-time toward a Bachelor's degree or higher in a technical scientific field or engineering. Awards vary from $1,000 to $10,000.

The company's scholarship program is open to individuals who are:

  • African American/Black
  • Asian
  • Pacific Islander
  • Native American
  • Alaskan
  • Hispanic

Visit XeroxStudentCareers.com to learn more about the program and to access online and print versions of the application form. Awards are made every December; applications must be received by September 30 to be considered.

APS Physics Scholarships

The American Physics Society has a scholarship program designed to provide financial assistance to minority students majoring in physics. The program is open to permanent U.S. residents who are African-American, Hispanic or Native American. College freshmen and sophomores majoring in physics, as well as high school seniors planning to major in physics, are eligible to apply. The number and value of awards vary based on funding availability.

Applications are accepted each year between November 1 and the first Friday in February. Visit the Scholarship Application Information and Instructions page on the APS website to learn more and to access the application form.

Two Minority Graduate School Scholarship Programs

AMA Foundation Medical School Scholarship

The American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation offers a medical school scholarship program designed to provide financial assistance to individuals from ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the population of physicians. Each year, approximately 12 scholarships valued at $10,000 each to deserving first or second year medical school students who are permanent residents of the U.S. and who are from one of the following minority groups.

Medical School Student
  • African American/Black
  • American Indian
  • Native Hawaiian
  • Alaska Native
  • Hispanic/Latino

To be considered, you must be nominated by your medical school. Each school is allowed to nominate two students for consideration. Nomination forms are published via the Minority Scholars Program page on the AMA website each February and must be submitted by mid-April.

NASP School Psychology Graduate Scholarship

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) offers a scholarship program to minority students seeking a graduate degree program designed to prepare them to become practicing school psychologists.

The program is open to members of NASP who belong to the following minority populations:

  • African American/Black
  • Asian
  • Pacific Islander
  • American Indian
  • Alaskan
  • Hispanic

Each year, at least one $5,000 scholarship is awarded and it is not uncommon for the organization to award multiple scholarships in the same year. See the Minority Scholarship Program page on the organization's website to find out more and to access the application form. The application deadline is October 15, with funds designated for use during the following academic year.

Ways to Find Additional Opportunities

These are, of course, only a few of the many examples of scholarship programs dedicated specifically to minorities. To discover other opportunities that you may qualify for, speak with your guidance counselor if you are still in high school and with your academic advisor or financial aid officer if you are already in college. Additionally, explore scholarship programs provided by any professional organizations that you or your parents belong to, as well as research scholarship programs offered by corporations with an interest in developing qualified minority professionals in your chosen field of study.

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Minority Scholarships