Places to Search for College Grants

Piggy bank college fund

It's not always easy to search for college grants. This is because many grants are not widely advertised. However, knowing which websites offer them regularly will cut your search time dramatically.

Websites to Search for College Grants

College grants come from various sources but most commonly from the federal government, colleges, universities, and organizations. Financial need is the basis for grants and they come in different types such as for those studying specific subjects, minorities, and students pursuing particular degrees.

Federal Student Aid

The Federal Government has some of the most sought after grants in the United States. The basis for these grants is financial need and some of them are also based on academic performance and program of study. On the Federal Student Aid website, you will find grants such as the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and The Academic Competiveness Grant.

State-Funded College Grants

Most states offer financial aid to students who are unable to afford a college education. Some of these college grants are for minorities and for fields that need more workers such as nursing and teaching. While not all states offer these awards, it's worth it to check your state's offerings. You can search for college grants in your state on the site College Scholarships.

African American College Funding Grants

If you are African American and have financial need, there are many grants available. Start with the United Negro College Fund.

You should also check the college or university you will attend because many of them (especially if they are historically a black college) will help finance the educations of their African American students.

Many private and public organizations also provide college grants to minorities such as The National Black Nurses Association, The March of Dimes Nursing Scholarship, The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and The American Psychological Association. Organizations such as Coca-Cola, AT&T, Bell Labs and Xerox also provide college grants to minorities.

SMET Grants

If you're interested in studying science, math, engineering or technology, you may qualify for a SMET grant.

• National SMART Grant

• National Science Foundation

• Morris Udall Foundation

• Lucent Technologies

• Bell Labs

Other Subject Specific Funding Opportunities

For other subject related college funding options, check out:

• American Association of Critical Care Nurses

• Emergency Nurses Association

• National Endowment for the Arts

Financial Aid for Women

If you're female and have a low income, you already qualify for many college grants. Many of the colleges who were historically women only provide grants to female students.

• Spelman College in Atlanta

• Agnes Scott College in Atlanta

• Wellesley College

• Barnard College

Subject-specific financial aid for women demonstrating financial need includes:

• The Barry Goldwater Scholarship Grant

• The Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship for Minorities

• The National Black Nurses Association

• National Science Foundation

• Regent's Healthcare Scholarship for Medicine and Dentistry

Other organizations supporting women students are:

• The American Association of University Women

• The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting

• The David Program at Wellesley College

• The Business and Professional Women's Association

• The Jeanette Rankin Foundation

• Raise the Nation

• Sunshine Lady Foundation

Students with Disabilities

If you have a disability, you may be eligible for certain awards from foundations and associations in your state. If you live in North Carolina, you can view a list of programs on CFNC. If you are not a resident of North Carolina, find the chapter of the association or foundation in your state to inquire about financial help for college.

Other Scholarship Opportunities

Comcast Leaders and Achievers has a scholarship for outstanding high school students. You can learn more about this on

You can search for scholarships listed on, Fastaid, and Peterson's College Search.

Beware of Financial Aid Scams

When applying to financial aid programs, beware that some are not as legitimate as they may seem. A financial aid program should never ask for money from you, require you to attend a seminar or ask for personal financial information such as your social security number, credit card numbers, and bank account information. Always check the validity of a program by searching for its name online.

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Places to Search for College Grants